The Earth Shipper
Technical Information
click here to download a pdf about Green Cell Starch Foam

Tests conducted at Michigan State University.—shows that the Earth Shipper made from Green Cell Starch Foam is completely biodegradable in 45 days.
[The D6400 specification standard calls for 90+% biodegradation in 180 days using D5338 test method]

Biodegradablility study

Also, as is seen in the figure below, these same studies performed at Michigan State University showed how the Earth Shipper outperforms Polystyrene packing materials in categories including Human Health, Global Warming, and Photochemical Smog.

Simply stated, the Earth Shipper is better for your health and the environment.

Life Cycle Impact


If the environmental and health benefits of the Earth Shipper weren't enough, it has also been shown that a Green Cell cooler, such as the Earth Shipper (shown below in yellow), outperforms a polystyrene cooler (show below in blue), by almost 10%. The object of the test was to keep the temperature below 8 degrees Celsius (46 Fahrenheit). The polystyrene cooler performed for 51.5 hrs, while the Green Cell cooler performed by 56.5 hours.

Temperature Comparison

Green Cell Foam
The Earth Shipper              Expanded Polystyrene
Made from corn –
renewable technology
Made from oil –
nonrenewable technology
Biodegradable, readily recyclable
Not biodegradable, recyclable
on a limited basis
Susceptible to damage from moisture/humidity, requires protection from elements
Susceptible to damage from UV rays, requires protection from direct sunlight
Multi-shock capable, provides excellent protection from shock and vibration

Single-shock capable, provides limited protection from shock and vibration

Shock and vibration protection not affected by extreme heat or cold
Shock and vibration protection
diminished by extreme heat or cold
Naturally anti-static, won’t “stick” to surfaces
Produces and transmits static electricity,
will “stick” to skin/boxes/etc.
Provides excellent thermal insulation
Provides excellent thermal insulation
More expensive than EPS, cost marginally affected by swings in petroleum price
Less expensive than GCF, cost significantly affected by swings in petroleum price
Safe disposal by composting, dissolving, burning, recycling – easy for customers
Only safe disposal: recycling (if offered locally) – burdensome for customers
Reduces: CO2 emissions, energy consumption and reliance on foreign oil
Maintains: rate of CO2 emissions, energy consumption and reliance on foreign oil
Sends message that protecting EVERYONE’S environment is important
Sends message that NOBODY’S environment is important enough to protect


For more information on “The Earth Shipper”, you may contact Chris Barker at:

The Earth Shipper In use Contact your Delta Packaging representative today to see how we can start integrating the Earth Shipper into your inventory..
The Earth Shipper
Delta Packaging
Delta Packaging • 300 Brogdon Road, Suite 100 • Suwanee, GA 30024 • (770) 831-0831
© 2013 Delta Packaging, Inc.